Health and lifestyle

With Tidypay, you get automatic posting of payments in your accounting system Where you do not have to enter vouchers manually, so that your everyday work becomes more efficient

Helse, livstil og Tidypay

Jobber du med helse og livsstil, så kan det være vanskelig å la jobben ligge igjen på kontoret etter at du er ferdig for dagen.

En ting du ikke skal trenge å tenke på er regnskapet ditt. Tidypay har hele kasse- og bokføringsfunksjonen i et og samme produkt så du skal få slippe mer papirarbeid.

Legg inn jobben, send faktura og jobben blir bokført med en gang.

Tidypay Pro Card

With Tidypay Pro Card, all payments are made easy, here you get a combined cash register system, payment terminal and accounts in an all-in-one solution. With Tidypay, you can offer several payment options to the customer, at the same time as it is automatically posted to your accounts. Make your workday more efficient and seamless with Tidypay.

It is easy to integrate with your online store, so that your system is complete.

Do you have any questions?

If you want to know more about our payment solution, you can fill out the contact form and we will get in touch!

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